Salmon Arm


Dayna's picture


Salmon arm

Just started drop zone and am looking for some recipes!

LeBo's picture


salmon arm

Nothing yet's picture

Salmon Arm

Losing weight

Readingfrem4's picture


Salmon arm

Just starting my weight loss journey and need help with recipe ideas

Verna's picture


Salmon Arm

Needed a change in my life to get healthy. Love Ideal Protein.'s picture

Salmon Arm,B.C.

I'm an almost 64 year-old hairdresser and I need to lose some weight.I lost over 4 1/2 lbs. the first week,I'm very happy!

anne jiggins's picture

anne jiggins

Salmon Arm BC Canada

Just joined Ideal Protein Plan this week.

Twinmum's picture


Salmon Arm

Just starting out thought I would give this a try.

Wendydavie's picture


Salmon arm

I am needing to lose 40 lbs. on day 3 so far so good.

sballoun's picture


Salmon Arm


Crazy Canuck's picture

Crazy Canuck

Salmon Arm, BC

In my fifth week and have lost almost 20lbs :)
My 15 year-old daughter is doing the program with me as well ( on the alternative plan ) and we're both satisfied with the foods we have to eat to keep us going in Phase 1. Finally getting around to checking out some more recipes to add a little variety to the packets.
We're both very excited about summer coming and hanging out at the beach with our new bodies!! Thanks Ideal Protein and the staff at the Drop Zone!

Drop Zone offers the complete line of Ideal Protein foods, Walden Farms "0" calorie condiments & Dynamic Greens superior quality, field grown organic wheatgrass. Salmon Arm store open Mon - Fri 8:30-5:30. Appointments available outside of regular business hours by special arrangement. Body Composition Analysis, Personalized Coaching, FREE No Obligation Consultations & Service with a SMILE!
2 Locations to serve you - Salmon Arm & Vernon.

(250) 833-1448
#104 - 650 Trans Canada Hwy NE