
millie1691's picture
Metairie, LA
My Story: 

I am 23 and was an athlete all my life until college. I have always been a little chunky but that came with my genetics, I can never be stick thin. Since graduating high school I have gained a total of 35 pounds and went from a size 3 to a size 10. I know in the scheme of things that probably sounds like nothing but to me its a huge difference. I don't feel good anymore and I am no longer comfortable in my own body.
Today I started my own version of the Ideal Protein program and my goal is to become comfortable again. I gave a number that I would like to see on the scale but for me it is more of a feel than a number I am aiming for. My goal with this program is to feel as fit and healthy as I did in high school when I played three sports year round and was active all of the time. I know that this is possible if I set my mind to it. I believe that this website will help me achieve my goals.

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