Melinda Anderson

Melinda Anderson's picture
Woodstock Ct.
My Story: 

I live in Woodstock Ct. and have always been a "curvy" girl. Over the past few years my weight climbed to the highest it had been execpt when I was pregnant. I've tried many things to lose weight but never for very long, getting discouraged quickly or just not having enough "will power". One day I ran into someone I knew from work who was, or had been about my size only this time she was much smaller than the last time I had seen her. I inquired as to what she had done and she told me that she was doing Ideal Protein. I had been aware of Ideal Protein tlhrough my chiroprator but never really gave it much thought. That night my daughter and myself went to an informational meeting and we signed up. After a few weeks on the program I'm 15 pounds lighter feel better and have more energy than I have had in I can't remember. Who would have thought giving up sugar would give you more energy! I finally feel in control and know that this is something that is going to be a long term learning experience . I'm always looking for new recipes to make so my whole family can enjoy the great food and eat healthy.

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