Garlic Chicken

garlic chicken

6 boneless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons paprika
2 teaspoons pepper
10 cloves garlic, unpeeled*


Mix the seasonings; rub all over the chicken. Cover the chicken with garlic cloves. Cook on LOW 6 hours or until the chicken is done in slow cooker. You can add other flavors, seasonings, spices, this is my base sometimes I use curry, jerk spice to change it up a bit.

Average: 4.6 (33 votes)


Martine's picture

I just tried this recipe and it was very tasty. I may have put a bit too much paprika or pepper as it was a bit spicy .. but I love spicy, so I won't complain.

Anonymous's picture

You don't add any water?

Anonymous's picture

I'm going to touch base with the person that sent me this recipe and see what they say about the water :)

Anonymous's picture

What was the answer as I would think you would need some water in the slow cooker? Please let me know as I would love to make this.

Anonymous's picture

I could not get a response from them, but I do believe that you need some water or broth of some kind to cook this properly in a slow cooker. I might try and convince my wife to make this one, she is great at improvising and could amend this recipe. If anyone else has an idea of what we could add please comment. Thanks!

Anonymous's picture

You can add lemon juice and yogurt ( if aloud ). I tried on the oven, it is really good.

Anonymous's picture

There is no need for water. I cook chicken in the crock pot all of the time and there is no need for it.'s picture

Yogurt isn't allowed on Phase 1 so keep that in mind. I would just add lemon juice or broth that is sugar and sodium free!

MichelleMK14's picture

What do you do with the unpeeled garlic cloves once the chicken is done?